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Click on the thumbnail images below to view enlarged versions in the space under them.
Please note: the checkerboard background is used to illustrate the image boundaries (also illustrates areas of the image that are transparent or have no content).
Neither the checkerboard background nor the "Yester Art®" watermark and lines will be present on the image that you receive in your order.

Copyright Information
This section identifies whether copyrights are held in the artwork featured on this page and if so, what person, company or other entity owns the copyrights.
Image Source/Reference
1) Classification of Sources/References
a)  Original Works of Art
  Artwork that is created by artists and designers that work for, or are affiliated with, Yester Art®.
b)  Derivative Works of Copyright-Free Works in the Public Domain
Description of Source/Reference
 1. Stock Imagery
Stock Imagery was referenced or otherwise used during the creation of the image featured on this page. The Stock Imagery that was used comprises copyright-free illustration(s) and/or photograph(s) in the public domain that were originally created by Stock Imagery producers (e.g. advertising agencies, art studios, marketing companies, etc. ) and offered to others for use in their projects.
 2. Printed Matter Printed Matter was referenced or otherwise used during the creation of the image featured on this page. The Printed Matter that was used comprises copyright-free illustration(s) and/or photograph(s) in the public domain that were included in ads, books, catalogs, ephemera, magazines, and/or other documents. Unless contractually or otherwise prohibited from doing so, we include the category of printed material to which the image relates in the `Source/Reference` field (e.g. Clothing-Related Printed Matter).
 3. Video Footage & Stills Video Footage was referenced or otherwise used during the creation of the video or still image featured on this page. The Video Footage used is copyright-free and may include commercials, documentaries, movies, newscasts, public service announcements, television shows, and other private and public broadcasts and still shots from the same.
 4. Audio Recordings One or more Audio Recording were referenced or otherwise used during the creation of the audio file featured on this page. The Audio Recording(s) used are copyright-free and may include commercials, documentaries, newscasts, programs, public service announcements, shows, and other broadcasts.
2) Our Licensing Authority
Our authority to license the images and other goods (collectively, "Products") provided on is derived from either intellectual property rights that we hold in the Products or permission from Third-Parties that hold intellectual property rights in the Products. We acquired the intellectual property rights that we hold in the Products as a matter of law when we created the Products in their entirety or, as derivative Products of pre-existing works for which there were no proprietary interests attached due to the expiration or nonexistence of the same.
1. Description of Image Formats
Most of our images are provided in the JPG (JPEG), PNG and TIF (TIFF) image formats. By including our images in 3 of the most popular image formats we hope that you will have the format that your project requires when you need it. We have provided information about the formats in the tables below.
a. JPG / JPEG (.jpg/.jpeg - Joint Photographic Experts Group) Format
The JPG image is flattened to a single layer.
The content (background) around the image is white.
The image includes a clipping path surrounding the image that can be selected to remove and/or edit the content around the image.
USING JPGs: Popular for graphics used on the internet and in other projects. Does not support opacity adjustment/transparency when saved.
Uses lossy compression when saved which reduces its file size but also discards data resulting in some image degradation. The more the image is compressed the more its appearance degrades. Since a JPG image degrades every time it is opened, edited and resaved use TIF or PNG images (lossless compression) for image editing and save the final image as a JPG.
b. PNG (.png - Portable Network Graphics) Format
In the PNG image, all of the content is on a single layer.
The content surrounding the image (background) has been deleted and is transparent.
The file is layered (not flattened) so additional layers of content can be added on layers above and below the image. Content added on layers above the image would appear to be in front of it and, since the background is transparent, content added to layers below the image would appear to be behind it.
The PNG format does not include a clipping path or alpha channel.
USING PNGs: Popular for graphics used on the internet and in other projects. Supports opacity adjustment/transparency when saved allowing backgrounds to be visible through and around the image. Uses lossless compression which preserves all of the image's data when it is saved (no degradation).
c. TIF / TIFF (.tif/.tiff - Tagged Image Format) Format
In the TIF image, all of the content is on a single layer.
The content surrounding the image (background) has been deleted and is transparent.
The file is layered (not flattened) so additional layers of content can be added on layers above and below the image. Content added on layers above the image would appear to be in front of it and, since the background is transparent, content added to layers below the image would appear to be behind it.
The TIF format includes a Clipping Path and Alpha Channel both of which surround the image and can be selected to remove and/or edit the content around the image.
USING TIFs: Optimal for image editing and printing (300 DPI+). Generally not supported for graphics used on the internet. Supports a variety of graphic features including opacity adjustment/transparency when saved allowing backgrounds to be visible through and around the image. Uses lossless compression which preserves all of the image's data when it is saved (no degradation). Used for image editing where the final image will be saved as a JPG or PNG.
Examples of Uses and Features of All 3 Image Formats (JPG, PNG, TIF)
Examples of Uses
Image Formats
 1. Computer Presentations
 2. Desktop Publishing (home / school / work)
 3. Internet Graphics / Photos (Use Small Pixel Dimensions)
 4. Professional Printing (Use Large/Xlarge Pixel Dimensions)
Features By Image Format
Image Formats
 1. Alpha Channel(s) (AC) Included
 2. Clipping Path(s) (CP) Included
 3. Flattened (F)
 4. Layered (L)
 5. Opacity/Transparency Adjustment
 6. RGB Color Mode
 7. RGB ICC Color Profile: sRGB IEC61966-21
 8. Lossless Compression (LLC)
 9. Lossy Compression (LC)
 10. Protective Measures
 11. Descriptive File Names
 12. Logical File Structure
2. Description of Image Specifications
a. Format:
i. JPG (.jpg/.jpeg - Joint Photographic Experts Group)
ii. PNG (.png - Portable Network Graphics)
iii. TIFF (.tif/.tiff - Tagged Image Format)
b. DPI, Pixel Dimensions and PPI:

DPI is an acronym for "Dots Per Inch" which is also known as "Print Resolution" when referring to printed output. It is a unit of measurement inidicating how many dots (spots of ink applied to paper by a printer) there are within a square inch of a printed image. The higher the DPI value, or printed dot density, of an image, the more detail there will be when the image is printed and, in general, the better the image will appear. Ultimately, the quality of printed output is contingent upon several factors including the printer model, method the printer employs to apply ink to paper, type of paper used and other considerations. For the best results when printing on a printer wthin your control, review and follow the printer's specifications and recommendations otherwise, when printing on a printer that you do not control, consult with those that operate the printer (e.g. printing company personnel) for their recommendations.

Pixel Dimensions means the width and height of a digital raster image in pixels (abbreviated as px). The pixel dimensions of an image can be calculated by multiplying the width of an image in inches by the PPI value of the image to find the width in pixels and the height of the image in inches by the PPI value to find the height in pixels. For example, given a 10 inch by 10 inch image at 300 PPI, find the width in pixels by multiplying 10 inches x 300 PPI = 3000 pixels and find the height in pixels by multiplying 10 inches x 300 PPI = 3000 pixels. Therefore, in this example, the pixel dimensions are 3000 x 3000.

PPI is an acronym for "Pixels Per Inch" which is also referred to as "Screen Resolution". It is a unit of measurement indicating how many independent pixels are in a square inch of either a display device (e.g. computer screen) or a digital image that is displayed on a computer screen or other display device. Changing the PPI value will not change the appearance of a digtial image on a display. However, when printing an image, the PPI value is transmitted to the printer providing it with the dimensions at which the image should be printed. The higher the PPI value, or pixel density, of an image, the more detail there is in each inch of the image and the sharper the image will appear when printed. For example, if an image has pixel dimensions of 3000 x 3000 pixels and a PPI value of 300 it will be printed at 10 inches x 10 inches (calculated as 3000 ÷ 300 PPI = 10 inches Wide by 3000 ÷ 300 PPI = 10 inches High). By lowering the PPI value the print size will increase if the pixel dimensions are not changed. For example, lowering the PPI value to 100 would command the printer to print the image at 30 inches x 30 inches (calculated as 3000 ÷ 100 PPI = 30 inches Wide by 3000 ÷ 100 PPI = 30 inches High). Therefore, the lower the PPI value, the larger the printed image (if the pixel dimensions are maintained when changing the PPI) and the poorer the quality of the printed output since the same number of pixels (image detail) are spread over a larger area (in this example, 30 inches x 30 inches instead of the original 10 inch x 10 inch area when the PPI was 300). Spreading the same number of pixels over a larger area could result in pixelation (the independent pixels become so large that they are visibly discernible).

Description of our Images and Pixel Dimensions:
Most of our images are available in 4 sizes based on PPI and Pixel Dimensions. On our image product pages we label the sizes as "Small", "Medium", "Large" and "Xlarge". Adjacent to each size we include the pixel dimensions of the corresponding image product. Which size is best? We recommend the Xlarge because it maximizes project options. It can be used as-is in projects requiring larger images for graphic design and/or high resolution printing. It can be reduced in size with minimal, at worst, losses in quality for projects requiring smaller images. While reducing images may result in minimal losses in quality, enlarging images can result in significant losses in quality. This loss in quality is usually due to either, pixelation which occurs as the graphic software enlarges the pixels to the point that they become visibly discernible or, resampling which occurs when the graphic software adds pixels to satisfy the increase in size using its best guess as to how the pixels should appear. Its, "best guess" may not be the most aesthetic option. The extent of the loss in quilaity depends on several factors including how much the image is enlarged, how complex the image is, the graphic software being used etc.

Pixel Dimensions
Type of Project(s)
Small (SM)
Websites, blog posts, emails and other projects where a small size is optimal to maximize download/transfer speed.
Medium (MD)
Website, Computer presentations (depending on screen resolution).
Large (LG)
Projects requiring high-quality printed output at home or work. The minimum for professional printing.
Xlarge (XL)
Projects requiring high-quality printed output at home or work. Reduce for projects requiring smaller image sizes.
d. Print Size:
The dimensions of the image when printed (measured as width by height).
e. File Size:
The amount of space the image occupies on a storage medium.
f. Color:
I. RGB Color Mode - this color mode combines the primary colors: red, green, and blue,  at values ranging from 0 to 255 to produce over 16 million different colors.
II. ICC Color Profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
3. Description of Image Features
a. AC:
Alpha Channel - an invisible mask within the image that can be used to select and edit the pixels including pixels having varying degrees of opacity.
b. CP:
Clipping Path - an invisible, hard-edged (sharp) shape or outline surrounding a portion of the image that can be used to select the pixels that it surrounds or, by inverting the selection, those pixels that it is within. Once the pixels are selected they may edited.
c. F:
Flattened -  the image is on a single layer on an opaque canvas that is devoid of any variations in pixel opacity.
d. L:
Layered - the image can be on one or more independent layers. The opacity of pixels may be reduced to 0 (transparent). Using graphics software, layers can be added above and below layer(s) containing content.
e. LLC:
Lossless Compression (LLC) - a form of image compression that occurs as an image is being saved that preserves all of the image data. Upon reopening an LLC image, the image data will decompress recreating an exact replica of the original image. An LLC image can be reopened, edited and resaved without any degradation to its quality.
f. LC:
Lossy Compression (LC) - a form of image compression that occurs as an image is being saved that discards some the image data to reduce the file size. The quality of an LC image degrades each time it is reopened, edited and resaved. A benefit of LC images is being able to control the amount of compression when saving them which determines their file size.
g. Protective Measures:
We add unique graphic elements to our digital images so that the images can be identified as our products. Since these graphic elements provide us with a method of identification, it is our hope that they also serve as deterrents to piracy and unauthorized use. ​Incorporating protective measures into our images that deter misuse helps maintain the value of our images which has a direct impact on our operations. The revenue we receive from our customers gives us the financial support that we need to continue developing products and services and providing support for the same.
h. Descriptive File Names:
We name our graphic files with descriptive names so that they can be quickly and easily identified when multiple files are open or when selecting a file to open. Here is an example:

i. Logical File Structure:
We carefully organize our digital image files into easily-accessible, logical file structures in our Downloadable Zip Files, USB Flash Drives and Image Discs.
USB Flash Drive Details
1. Flash Drive: USB 2.0 Interface (Compatibility / System Requirements)
Our Flash Drives have the USB 2.0 serial interface, one of the most widely used external serial interfaces for peripheral devices. The USB 2.0 Interface is compatible with most computers. If you have questions regarding the compatibility of the USB 2.0 Interface with your computer please contact your computer manufacturer and/or consult your computer manual.

The image files on the USB Flash Drive can be opened on a Windows® (PC), Macintosh® system or other operating system using software capable of opening images in the JPG, PNG and TIF formats.
2. An Image Product (e.g. Large (LG): 1700 W x 3000 H Pixels) Must Be Ordered With The USB Flash Drive
When ordering our USB Flash Drive you must also order an Image Product(s), such as our Large or Xlarge Image Products above, to save onto your USB Flash Drive. If you previously ordered an Image Product(s) that you now want saved onto a USB Flash Drive simply type your order number and the Image Product(s) that you would like saved onto your USB Flash Drive in your shopping cart when you are prompted to do so (there is a form in your shopping cart to enter the information).
3. USB Flash Drives May Include All Image Product(s) Under 1 Image Product SKU# (Optional)
Typically, 1 Image Product SKU# (e.g. IIPW1AA) is saved onto a USB Flash Drive. However, all Image Products under the same SKU# (e.g. all digital products on the same Image Product page) may be ordered and saved onto the same USB Flash Drive [Applies to the root/prefix SKU# (e.g. IIPW1AA). Therefore, even though each Image Product (i.e. Small, Medium, Large, etc.) on the product page has a different SKU# suffix, they each share the same root/prefix SKU# allowing them to be saved onto the same USB Flash Drive].

To simplify ordering and production we offer a separate USB Flash Drive product for every downloadable Image Product in our shop. In addition, we provide a printed informational paper insert with our USB Flash Drives that includes a copy of the Image Product that is saved onto it. Limiting our USB Flash Drives to a single Image Product SKU# that can be identified on the insert helps our customers keep track of their USB Flash Drives by Image Product SKU#. However, we recognize that the production of the component parts of our USB Flash Drive product (USB Flash Drive, Protective Case, Paper Insert, Ink, etc.) consumes a lot of environmental resources. Therefore, in an effort to limit that environmental impact, while maximizing the utility of our USB Flash Drive products by fully utilizing their memory capacity, if you purchase different Image Products under multiple SKU#s and would like to combine them onto the same USB Flash Drive please let us know by explaining your request in the comments section on the shopping cart page and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
4. Confirm Your USB Flash Drive Contents In Your Cart
In your shopping cart you are asked to select the Image Product(s) in your order that you want saved onto your USB Flash Drive thereby confirming what Image Product(s) we should save onto your USB Flash Drive. If you previously ordered an Image Product(s) that you now want saved onto a USB Flash Drive simply type your order number and the Image Product(s) that you would like saved onto your USB Flash Drive in your shopping cart when you are prompted to do so (there is a form in your shopping cart to enter the information).
5. Access Images Via Download and/or on Your USB Flash Drive
The Digital Image Product(s) that you order to save onto your USB Flash Drive include immediate download access (expires after 5 Downloads). In addition, your USB Flash Drive gives you access to the images for as long as you own the Drive. USB access to your images does not expire and is not limited to a preset number of retrievals.
6. USB Flash Drive Packaging
Our USB Flash Drives are packaged in protective cases with informational paper inserts that describe their content.
7. Give USB Flash Drives As Gifts!
Our Flash Drives make great gifts! They provide a tangible way to gift our digital artwork to others. Put Yester Art Imagery in the palm of their hand!
8. Order Processing
When you purchase our USB Flash Drive, we save the Images Product(s) that you specified in your shopping cart form onto our USB Flash Drive and ship it to you via the shipping service that you chose when you completed your order. Our USB Flash Drives are shipped in protective cases. Orders ship within 72 business hours. When we ship your order we email you to let you know that it is on the way and provide you with order tracking information.
9. Checking Order Status
Your order confirmation email includes a link to view your order's status page in our shop. The "Order notes" section of the page includes information about the current status of your order. Order tracking information is also provided on this page. If you have created an account on Yester you can login in to see all of your orders. You may then select the relevant order and check its status as described in the preceding sentences.
10. USB Flash Drive Order Cancellations, Returns and Refunds
Ensuring Your satisfaction Is our Top Priority. We recognize that earning your business now and again in the future requires that our policies and their application be worthy of your patronage. When drafting our refund policy our goal was to communicate our unwavering support for our products, assure our shoppers that their purchases would be protected should they encounter any problems and safeguard our digital image products from theft by those that would purchase them and return them for a refund while keeping pirated copies.

If for any reason you want to cancel or return your order, you may be entitled to a one-time exchange, money back or store credit depending on the status, condition, usage of the image product and the date it was purchased.

Click Here to open our USB Flash Drive Refund Policy in our Store Policies page (a new page will open).
Image Disc Details
1. Image Disc Media Format: DVD-ROM (Compatibility / System Requirements)
We use DVD-ROM (DVD-R) Media for our Image Discs. You will need access to a DVD Optical Drive that supports the DVD-R format to read the Image Disc. The DVD-R format is compatible with most computers. If you have questions regarding the compatibility of the USB 2.0 Interface with your computer please contact your computer manufacturer and/or consult your computer manual.

The image files on the Image Disc can be opened on a Windows® (PC), Macintosh® system or other operating system using software capable of opening images in the JPG, PNG and TIF formats.
2. An Image Product [e.g. Large (LG) ] Must Be Ordered With The Image Disc
When ordering our Image Disc you must also order an Image Product(s), such as our Small, Medium or Large Image Products above, to save onto your Image Disc. If you previously ordered an Image Product(s) that you now want saved onto an Image Disc simply type your order number and the Image Product(s) that you would like saved onto your Image Disc in your shopping cart when you are prompted to do so (there is a form in your shopping cart to enter the information).
3. Image Discs May Include All Image Product(s) Under 1 Image Product SKU# (Optional)
Typically, 1 Image Product SKU# (e.g. IIPW1AA) is saved onto an Image Disc. However, all Image Products under the same SKU# (e.g. all digital products on the same Image Product page) may be ordered and saved onto the same Image Disc [Applies to the root/prefix SKU# (e.g. IIPW1AA). Therefore, even though each Image Product (e.g. Small, Medium, Large etc.) on the product page has a different SKU# suffix, they each share the same root/prefix SKU# allowing them to be saved onto the same Image Disc].

To simplify ordering and production we offer a separate Image Disc product for every downloadable Image Product in our shop. In addition, we provide a printed informational paper insert with our Image Discs that includes a copy of the Image Product that is saved onto it. Limiting our Image Discs to a single Image Product SKU# that can be identified on the insert helps our customers keep track of their Image Discs by Image Product SKU#. However, we recognize that the production of the component parts of our Image Disc product (DVD-R, Protective Case, Paper Insert, Ink, etc.) can be harmful to the environment. Therefore, in an effort to limit that environmental harm, while maximizing the utility of our Image Disc products by exhausting their memory capacity, if you purchase different Image Products under multiple SKU#s and would like to combine them onto the same Image Disc please add let us know by explaining your request in the comments section of the shopping cart and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
4. Confirm Your Image Disc Contents In Your Cart
In your shopping cart you are asked to select the Image Product(s) in your order that you want saved onto your Image Disc thereby confirming what Image Product(s) we should save onto your Image Disc. If you previously ordered an Image Product(s) that you now want saved onto an Image Disc simply type your order number and the Image Product(s) that you would like saved onto your Image Disc in your shopping cart when you are prompted to do so (there is a form in your shopping cart to enter the information).
5. Access Images Via Download and/or on Your Image Disc
The Digital Image Product(s) that you order to save onto your Image Disc include immediate download access (expires after 5 Downloads). In addition, your Image Disc gives you access to the images for as long as you own the Image Disc. Access to your images does not expire and is not limited to a preset number of retrievals.
6. Image Disc Packaging
Our Image Discs are packaged in protective cases with informational paper inserts that describe their content.
7. Give Image Discs As Gifts!
Our Image Discs make great gifts! They provide a tangible way to gift our digital artwork to others. Put Yester Art Imagery in the palm of their hand!
8. Order Processing!
When you purchase our Image Disc, we save the Images Product(s) that you specified in your shopping cart form onto our Image Disc and ship it to you via the shipping service that you chose when you completed your order. Our Image Discs are shipped in protective cases. Orders ship within 72 business hours. When we ship your order we email you to let you know that it is on the way and provide you with order tracking information.
9. Checking Order Status
Your order confirmation email includes a link to view your order's status page in our shop. The "Order notes" section of the page includes information about the current status of your order. Order tracking information is also provided on this page. If you have created an account on Yester you can login in to see all of your orders. You may then select the relevant order and check its status as described in the preceding sentences.
10. Image Disc Order Cancellations, Returns and Refunds
Ensuring Your satisfaction Is our Top Priority. We recognize that earning your business now and again in the future requires that our policies and their application be worthy of your patronage. When drafting our refund policy our goal was to communicate our unwavering support for our products, assure our shoppers that their purchases would be protected should they encounter any problems and safeguard our digital image products from theft by those that would purchase them and return them for a refund while keeping pirated copies.

If for any reason you want to cancel or return your order, you may be entitled to a one-time exchange, money back or store credit depending on the status, condition, usage of the image product and the date it was purchased.

Click Here to open our Image Disc Refund Policy in our Store Policies page (a new page will open).
Image Customization (Graphic Design) Details
1. How To Customize The Featured Image (Ordering Procedures)
Step 1) Send Us Your Image Customization Info
a. Follow the steps below to select "Submit Customization Details ($.00 - No Fee)" on the image product page Image Customization add-on option drop-down List:
(1) Follow the steps below to select "Submit Customization Details ($.00 - No Fee)" on the image product page Image Customization add-on option drop-down List:
(2) Scroll down to the "Image Customization" product in the "Image Product Add-Ons" section.
(3) Select "Submit Customization Details ($.00 - No Fee)" in the Drop-down List of "Work Time" options.
(4) Click the "Add To Cart" button and the Shopping Cart will open where you can fill out the Image Customization Project Form and upload project files if necessary.
b. Fill Out the "Image Customization Project Form"
(1) Enter The Title & Contact Information For Your Project - All Fields Are Required (*).
(2) Enter A Description of Your Project in the Text Box (below) or Upload Your Description In Step 3.
(3) Upload Your Project File(s) (If You Are Not Uploading Any Files Go To Step 4).
(4) Confirm That You Either Completed or Skipped #3 (above).
  (Important: This step let"s us know whether or not you uploaded files to link to your submission)
  Select an option from the Drop-down list confirming that you Completed #3 (above) by either:
(a) Not Uploading Any Files, or
(b) Uploading Your Files and Seeing the "File(s) Uploaded Successfully" message (above).
c. When You Complete The Form Click The "Secure Checkout" Button"
  After you complete the "Image Customization Project Form" click the "Secure Checkout" button. When the Checkout page opens you may Login (if you already have an account) or enter your Contact Information in the form.
  IMPORTANT: You must complete the checkout process to transmit your information (including uploaded files) to us.
Step 2) Correspond With Us To Finalize Your Project
a. Within 24-48 business hours we will respond to your Image Customization Project Form by either:
(1) Asking for more information about your project or
(2) Providing a quote to complete your project along with our Graphic Design Agreement.
b. Your quote will include the price to complete your project along with the total amount of work time required that it will take to complete your project and how place your order for it (for example, 6 hours of work time: order the 1 Hour option and enter 6 in the quantity box). To pay for your project, purchase the total amount of work time referenced in your quote (for example, 6 hours). See "3) Pay for Your Project Customization Order" (below) .
Step 3) Sign Our Agreement & Pay For Your Project
a. Locate the total amount of work time required to complete your project in the quote that we sent you. (for example 6 hours). Once you have located the total work time, open the product profile page for the image that you want to customize and scroll down to the "Image Customization" product in the "Image Product Add-Ons" section.
(1) Option 1: Pay For Your Customization Project In Full
(2) Option 2: Pay For Your Customization Project In 2 Payments (50% Down Payment & The Remaining Balance Upon Completion)
(a) If you would prefer to pay for your project in installment payments you may pay 50% (minimum) of the price when placing your image customization project order up front and the remaining balance when we complete your project. Your initial payment must be at least 50% of the price. Your project will be "Completed" upon your approval and your remaining balance will then be due. When you pay the remaining balance your completed project file(s) will be provided to you.
(b) For example, if the project price were $600.00 and you wanted to make a 50% down payment, you would pay $300.00 up front and the remaining balance of $300.00 when we complete your project.You would select the $300.00 work tim option in the "Image Customization" product drop-down list. and click the "Add To Cart" button. The shopping cart will open and the price for the Image Customization product should match the price in our quote. In the "My Payment Plan" form you must click the checkbox at corresponds to your payment plan. Click either "I Am Paying For My Project In Full" check box or the "I Am Paying For My Project In Installments This Is My down Payment. It is At Least 50% of My Project Price".
(c) Click the "Secure Checkout" button to complete your order and submit payment. Upon our receipt of your payment we will send you an email with a link to download your completed project file(s).
b. Fill Out the "Image Customization Project Form"
c. When You Complete The Form Click The "Secure Checkout" Button
After you complete the "Image Customization Project Form" click the "Secure Checkout" button. When the Checkout page opens you may Login (if you already have an account) or enter your Contact Information in the form.
IMPORTANT: You must complete the checkout process to transmit your information (including uploaded files) to us.
Step 4) Approve Your Project & Receive Your Project File(s)
  Upon our receipt of your payment we will complete your customization project according to your specifications and notify you once your project is ready for your approval.
a. If you paid for your customization project in full, upon completion we will provide a link that you may use to download your unwatermarked project files.
b. If you chose to pay in installments and have a remaining balance due when we complete your project, we will provide a link that you may use to download a watermarked version of your project to review. Upon your approval of your completed project and our receipt of the remaining balance due for your project, we will provide a link that you may use to download the unwatermarked version(s) of your project file(s).
2. Changes/Revisions To Your Completed Project
a. Prior to doing any work on your project we ask you that you confirm your specifications so that we complete your project just the way you want it.
b. If we make a mistake or deviate from your specifications while working on your project we will certainly correct the same at no additional cost.
c. Per the terms of our agreement, we will complete 2 revisions (up to 1 hour each) to work that we already completed according to your specifications at no additional cost.
3. Cancellation/Termination of Your Image Customization Project
a. Our Image Customization Project agreement with you shall automatically terminate upon your acceptance of your completed project file(s).
b. Our Image Customization Project agreement with you may otherwise be terminated at any time by you or us upon your written notice to us or our written notice to you. You will be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by us prior to the date of termination. Any materials that you provided to us to work on your project will be returned to you along with your project file(s) including any work completed up to the date of termination.
c. Click Here to open our Image Customization Refund Policy in our Store Policies page (a new page will open)
Our End-User License Agreement (EULA) explains how the images that we license may and may not be used.
(The images may be used in personal, professional and commercial projects as described in the License Overview and Full License below.)

See All Downloads for the Featured Image in the "Downloads" tab on the Product Page (Click Here to open the Product Page)
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