About Us
Our appreciation of vintage imagery inspired us to create Yester Art, a treasury of artistic works of yesteryear. We utilize our graphic design skills to preserve historic works and the appearance of the same through digitization and the creation of new works that incorporate antiquated attributes and elements. Royalty-free licenses to use our digital artwork may be purchased in our image shop along with original prints and prints of our digital artwork. Our prints are professionally printed and can be used to Yesterize™ any decor.
While they are not as old as most of our downloadable, digital works, we also offer digital image collections of stock photography on discs (CDs/DVDs) that were produced as early as the 1980's and 1990's by popular publishers of the day. These collections include imagery that is immediately recognizable as being from that time-period which is optimal for projects that harken back to those eras. The collections also include timeless imagery that would give projects a "fresh" look as these images may not have been used in long time if they were ever used. Most of the stock photography discs that we sell are out of print making them difficult to find and valuable since the imagery they offer is essential to any graphics collection.
Thank you for your patronage! Whether licensing our artwork, purchasing our products or informing others about us you provide the resources that we need to continue preserving historic artwork that may otherwise be lost forever and presenting the same for everyone to enjoy and license to use in their own projects. Your support also allows us to serve our existing customers and continue developing products and services that we hope will keep everyone coming back to us for their vintage imagery needs.