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Corel Stock Photo CD Installation Instructions

I. Installation Instructions (scan of document)
(scan of the Instructions provided In Corel® documentation)

Click on the Corel Installation instructions thumbnail (left) to open the PDF in a new browser window.
(we have included the contents of the Installation instructions below should you encounter a problem linking to the PDF)

II. Installation Instructions (as written in document)
A. Getting Started
Welcome to the Corel® Stock Photo Library! Compact discs in this library include 100 Kodak Photo CD quality photographs which you can use royalty free.

Each Corel® Professional Photos disc, or "title", includes photographs that are related by a common theme: places, people, animals, sports, and so on. The titles in this series cover a variety of interests. Imagine the eye-catching appeal of your business presentations, newsletters and more when you add these colorful, high-quality images! Corel continues to release new titles every month. So enjoy exploring the visual style and flair that is yours with the Corel Professional Photos series.

Not Just Pretty Pictures ...

With Corel Professional Photos, photographs are no longer just a static visual medium. Each disc includes applications that you can use to work with the Photo CD images. The discs include both Windows® and Macintosh® applications.

How To Locate the Photos CD Images
The Corel Professional Photos applications run on your hard drive and access images from the disc in your CD-ROM drive. The Corel Professional Photos images are located in the COREL directory on the Professional Photos disc. These images require significant amounts of hard disk space. Do not copy these images to your hard drive.

Corel® Professional Photos Disc Format
The Corel Professional Photos discs include both Kodak Photo CD images and Corel applications. These discs are not compatible with Kodak Photo CD players. However, the format of these discs does allow you to access images and applications in CD-ROM drives that are not Kodak compliant.

Corel® Professional Photos Applications
The following describes how to install and use the Corel Professional Photos applications that work in the Windows environment. Before trying to use the Corel Professional Photos you should be familiar with how to use Windows. For example, you must know how to locate and select your CD-ROM drive in order to access the Corel Professional Photos disc.

Please install all utilities from the "Index & Utilities" CD-ROM to ensure you are running the most current version released by Corel.
To Install the Applications

1. Insert the Corel Professional Photos disc into your CD-ROM drive.

2. Select the Run command from the File menu of the Program Manager.

3. In the Run dialog box, enter SETUP and the location of this program. Then choose the OK button. If your CD-ROM drive is assigned to Drive E, you would then enter the following:


4. Choose the Continue button.

5. The SETUP program installs only the applications that are marked by an "X".

6. If you do not want to install an application, click the box beside the application name to remove the "X".

7. By default, the SETUP program installs the application in a directory named CORELCD. Choose the Continue button to create this directory. Or, to install the applications in another directory, choose the Set Location button, type the name of the directory and then choose the Continue button. If the directory you named doesn't exist, the SETUP program creates the directory.

8. Choose the install button.

9. Choose the OK button to confirm that the installation is complete.

Corel® Photo Browser Database
This visual database was created to help you quickly and conveniently find the images you need. Each image included in the Corel Stock Photo Library is entered into the database and assigned a thumbail image, file name, title, volume, caption and several unique keywords. These search terms let you perform sophisticated searches using the Find command.

Using Find to Search the Image Database
Choosing Find opens the Search dialog box so that you can search for specific images with a common theme. Search by keyword, caption, volume, title or file name. Criteria strings are created using different combinations of search criteria from the four drop-down lists. Each drop-down list serves to narrow the search criteria. To create a simple criteria string to search for images containing a common keyword:

1. Choose Keyword from the search term drop-down list (i.e. keywoord, caption, etc.)

2. Type a keyword in the text box or choose an existing keyword from the drop-down box.

3. Click Add to add the keyword to the list of search items.

4. Click OK.

To create more complex criteria strings, continue to add variations on search terms to narrow the search criteria.

For example:

- Choose AND from the first drop-down list to search for all images that match both criteria strings.

- Choose OR from the first drop-down list to search for all images that match either the first or second criteria strings. Experiment with the search tool to maximize the efficiency of your searches. Using a combination of sophisticated criteria strings, you can forcus your searches and find specific images.

Guidelines for Searching
The keywords in this database are general descriptions of what is in each image. They describe the predominant objects, actions and locations of each image. There are at least four keywords assigned to each image.

Any image that contains people has the keyword “people” in it regardless of whether one person or many people can be seen. Other keywords may describe the gender or age group of the people in the image. Other plural forms of keywords are used only when the plural form is specific for that particular image. For example, if the image contains only one tree, the keyword “tree” is used; if the image contains two or more trees, the keyword “trees” is used.

Printing Your Results
Once you have successfully performed the search, you can print the results. By selecting specific images and selecting Print under the File menu, you can obtain a printout containing the image, file name, series number and caption.
B. FOR WINDOWS® USERS ONLY (instructions)
Corel® ArtView screen saver displays images from your CD-ROM drive by default. Once you have configured the screen saver, it waits until you stop using your computer for a few minutes. The screen saver then starts displaying images until you move the mouse or press a key. Unlike these applications, the screen saver is not represented by an application icon in the Program Manager. For more information, see “How To Start The Applications”.

Corel® Photo CD Lab provides powerful conversion features. For example, you can convert a photo CD image to a bitmap format and then use the bitmap with any application that supports BMP files, including the Corel“ Wallpaper Flipper. You can also change the color, size and orientation of the images, create slide shows and build catalogs of information about the images.

Corel‘ Wallpaper Flipper changes the wallpaper each time you start Windows. The wallpaper ?ipper chooses the wallpaper from a list of bitmap images that you have defined.

Visual ?le manager organizes your images according to their logical relationships. For example, you could catalog the thumbnails of photo CD images that you frequently use in business presentations. Regardless of the drive and directory in which images are actually stored, you can view them as a set of related images within the catalog.

Corel® CD AUDIO allows you to play audio compact discs while working in other applications. All you need is any audio compact disc that you can play in a home CD player.

How to Start the Application
Both the Corel Wallpaper Flipper and the Corel ArtView screen saver applications run automatically once you have configured them for the first time. You configure the Corel Wallpaper Flipper using the options available from the Corel Wallpaper Flipper Configuration icon.

You configure the Corel ArtView screen saver using the options available from the Desktop icon of the Control Panel. Therefore, an application icon is not created for the screen saver in the Corel CD-ROM Utilities or Corel Professional Photos group.

Image Quality
If the quality of the photo CD images is poor on your screen, you may need to increase the resolution of your video driver.
© 2009-2018 Yester Art ®. All Rights Reserved. Corel® is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation. Yester Art has no affiliation with Corel Corporation.
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