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Corel Stock Photo CD Step-by-Step Installation Instructions

I. Instructions For Windows® Systems

The software on Corel® CD-ROMs was published in the 1990's and may not be compatible with computers running modern versions of the Windows operating system. These instructions were created while installing the Corel CD-ROM software on a computer running the Windows XP (service pack 2) operating system.

A. Kodak Software Installation (Using Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installed)  

Step 1) Click on your windows start Button (TIP: The Windows Start Button is located all the way on the left side of your Taskbar at the bottom of your monitor. See Figure A1 below)

Figure A1

Step 2) Click the "Run" button on the pop-up list and the "Run" dialogue box will open. (See Figure A2 below)

Figure A2


Step 3) Click the "Browse" button located in the lower left corner of the "Run" Dialogue Box. The "Browse" dialogue box will open.
  1. In the "Browse" dialogue box locate your CD-ROM drive. (TIP: if you click the drop down arrow next to the words "Look In" at the top of the dialogue box your CD-ROM drive should be in view)

  2. Once you have located your CD-ROM drive click on it to look at the contents. (if you do not see any files, only folders, select "All Files" from the "Files of Type" drop-down list at the bottom of the dialogue box)

  3. Locate the "SETUP.EXE" file and click on it. (if you have "SETUP.EXE_1" instead of "SETUP.EXE" see 1. IMPORTANT below otherwise continue to "d.")

1. IMPORTANT: If you have a "_1" following the "setup.exe" file (your "setup.exe" appears as: "setup.exe_1") then your CD-ROM was produced by Corel Corporation with a file naming error. The CD-ROM will work, the file name just needs to be corrected. Please follow the instructions below to correct the file name so that you may continue with the installation process. Otherwise, if you did not have a "_1" on your "setup.exe file then you may proceed to "d." below.

Copy the program files from the CD to your computer (you should copy all of the files and folders except the folder titled "corel" which is the folder containing the images). Follow these steps:

1) Click: Start > My Computer

2) Click: View (on the menu bar) > Got To > Up One Level (Your "Desktop" should now be in view)

3) Click: File (on the menu bar) > New > Folder ( a new folder will appear on your desktop)

4) Click on the "New Folder" (it should be highlighted) and name it what ever you want (you may want to name it the Title of the Corel CD-ROM)

5) With your new folder selected click: File > Open (your new folder is now open and should be empty)

6) Click: Start > My Computer ( a new window will open displaying the drives on your computer)

7) Click: View (on the menu bar) > Got To > Click on your CD-ROM drive containing the Corel CD-ROM (the contents of the Corel CD-ROM should no be in view)

8) Click: Edit (on the menu bar) > Select All (all of the files and folders should be highlighted)

9) Press and hold the Ctrl key and click on the "Corel" folder to deselect it (all of the files and folders should be highlighted EXCEPT the "Corel" folder)

10) With both, your New Folder and your Corel CD-ROM Windows in view drag the highlighted contents from the Corel CD-ROM window to your New Folder window to copy the Corel CD-ROM files to your computer.

11) Once they files are copied into your New Folder you can rename them to remove the "_1" . Right click each file that has the "_1" at the end of the file name, click on "Rename" from the pop-up menu, delete the "_1" from the file extension and then press enter. Check all the files and folders to make sure you rename all the files with the "_1" in the extension;

12) Using your newly renamed files, continue the installation process by double-clicking the "Setup.exe" file

13) Once the software installation process is complete a window should appear displaying links to the programs. (see Figure A4 below)

14) Continue to "B. Using PhotoCD Lab to Open & View the Images & Captions" below

... d. "SETUP.EXE" should populate the "File Name" field at the bottom of the Dialogue box.

... e. Click on the "Open" button. Your "Run"" dialogue box should now be populated with "SETUP.EXE" (see Figure A3 below - Your CD-ROM Drive letter may differ from ours which was "D:\") (See Figure A3 below)

... f. Click: "OK" to begin installing the software. Follow any prompts that are presented to you during the installation process.

Figure A3

... g. Once the software installation process is complete a window should appear displaying links to the programs. (see Figure A4 below)

Figure A4

B. Using PhotoCD Lab to Open & View the Images & Captions (PhotoCD Lab is part of the Kodak Software Suite - It is for Windows-Based Computers Only)

Step 1) Once you have installed the Kodak software (see "A. Kodak Software Installation" above) , locate and open the program titled: "PhotoCD Lab". (see Figure A4 above)

Step 2) In the PhotoCD Lab program, click "File", "Open" on the Menu bar. (see Figure B1 below)

Figure B1

Step 3) In the "Open" dialogue box locate your CD-ROM drive from the "Drives" drop-down menu. (see Figure B2 below)

Figure B2

Step 4) Once you have selected your CD-ROM drive on the "Drives" drop-down menu, you should see the contents of the Corel CD that is in your CD-ROM Drive in the "Folders" viewer. Then locate the "Corel" folder and double-click it. (see Figure B3 below)

Figure B3

Step 5) You can now see all of the .pcd image files on the CD-ROM in the left side of the "Open" dialogue box. (see Figure B4 below)

Figure B4

Step 6) Click on any of the files and then click the "OK" button.

Step 7) The image that you clicked is now open. You can view the image Caption on the Blue Bar at the top of the program window and, with the image open, you can convert it to other sizes and formats. (see Figure B5 below)

Figure B5


C. Using PhotoCD Lab to Convert the Images (PhotoCD Lab is part of the Kodak Software Suite - It is for Windows-Based Computers Only)

Step 1) Click "Convert" on the menu bar. (see Figure C1 below)

Figure C1

Step 2) When the "Convert" menu dialogue box opens:

Figure C2

A. Under the "Format" menu select the image "Format" that you want the image to be saved in. "TIF" is a popular format that can be opened by most graphic programs.

B. Under the "Colors" menu change the setting to adjust how many colors are present in your image. "RGB Color" (24 Bit "true color" Color) will provide the most color in your image.

C. Under the "Resolution" menu select the size that you want your image to be.

D. Under the "Rotation" menu select how you want the image to appear.

E. "C:\" appears in the "Destination" text box. (see Figure C2 above)

The "C:\" is referring to a location on your computer. The program wants to save the image to a specific directory on your computer. So you have to create a directory on your computer to save the images in. Follow these steps to create the directory to save the images on your computer.

1) On your computer click the Start Menu. (see Figure C3 below)

Figure C3

2) When the Start Menu opens click on "My Computer". (see Figure C4 below)

Figure C4

3) Then click or double-click your "C:" drive to display the contents. (see Figure C5 below)

Figure C5

4) Then on the menu bar click "File", "New", "Folder". (see Figure C6 below)

Figure C6

5) A New Folder should have appeared on the screen in the contents pane of the window. The text should be highlighted in blue for you to enter a name for the new folder that you created. Type "corelpic" and then press the "enter" key to name the folder. You can make up any name for your folder just make sure you use your folder name consistently through the rest of the instructions below. Substitute your folder name for "corelpic" in the instructions below. (IMPORTANT: the folder name must be no more than 8 characters. Don't use any symbol characters like: $,-,+,*, etc. You should only use letters or numbers)

6) Go back to the Corel PhotoCd Lab program "Convert" menu. (it should still be open, if not just click: "Convert" on the menu bar to reopen it.)

7) Type "corelpic" next to the "C:\". So the "Destination" text box should now look like this: "C:\corelpic" (see Figure C7 below)

Figure C7

8) Click the "OK" button and then the "Select Files" dialogue box should open. (see Figure C8 below)

Figure C8

9) In the "Select Files" dialogue box click the file that you want to convert to highlight it, then click on the "Add" button to move that particular file to the right pane of the dialogue box. You can select 1 image at a time to convert or you can select them all at once by clicking the "Add All" button. Once you have selected the files that you want to convert then click the "OK" button. Your computer has now converted the image(s) to the format you selected and saved it in your "corelpic" folder.

10) Return to the contents of your "C" drive by returning to that window if it is still open on your computer or reopen it by following steps 1)-3) above.

11) Look for your folder: "corelpic" and click or double-click it to display its contents.

12) You should see that your image files were saved in this folder in the format you selected.

Step 3) Now Use your graphic editing program to open and use the images. Congratulations Your Finished! :)
D. Other Methods of Opening .PCD Files on Windows Systems

See the Photo CD article on Wikipedia for information about the PCD (Photo CD) Image format. the article includes a description of the format, list of conversion software
and more useful information.

Here is a link to the Photo CD article:


II. Instructions For Macintosh® Systems
A. Accessing The Images on the Corel CD-ROM

The images are stored on the COREL CD-ROM in the "COREL" directory. Macintosh users may access the images by navigating to that directory.

B. Methods of Opening .PCD Files on Macintosh Systems
See the Photo CD article on Wikipedia for information about the PCD (Photo CD) Image format. the article includes a description of the format, list of conversion software and more useful information.

Here is a link to the Photo CD article:
© 2009-2018 Yester Art ®. All Rights Reserved. Corel® is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation. Yester Art has no affiliation with Corel Corporation.
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